Receding Gums Can Be Corrected Without Surgery

Receding gums are a common problem that can be corrected without surgery if you’re willing to make some changes in your lifestyle. In this article, we’ll share natural remedies for receding gums and discuss why Non-Surgical treatment is the best option for many people.One of the most common complaints heard from people about their smile is that it looks too big. That’s because many adults have lost some gum tissue while they’ve aged, and this can cause teeth to appear longer than normal when seen in profile. You might be surprised by how much better you look with a healthy-looking grin!Receding gums are not only unattractive but also unhealthy for your mouth: chronic dental decay has been linked to receding or absent gum line due to bacteria buildup on tooth surfaces where there are no pockets between the teeth and gums left behind as other tissues shrink back over time.

Receding Gums Causes

What caused receding gums?

Receding gums are one of the many signs of gum disease. There are many different root causes that could contribute to developing gum disease, but people who smoke or chew tobacco can be more at risk for developing gum disease due the toxins these habits put in their mouths.Gum disease can also have adverse effects on the tooth’s health which might cause teeth to loosen and fall out. These two factors are what caused receding gums.The most likely cause of receding gums is the natural shrinking and thinning that occurs with aging. But there are a few other conditions that can also lead to this problem: oral surgery, health problems like diabetes or Crohn’s disease, medications such as chemotherapy drugs, smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco for long periods of time (it takes about 15-20 years for gum recession caused by these habits to become apparent).While some gum recedes as the natural wear and tear of aging can happen to anyone, it is relatively common for people who brush too hard on their teeth.Sometimes gums can recede due to a lack of dietary calcium and Vitamin D, which are needed for healthy teeth and bone structure.Aging is also thought to be a contributor because gum tissue reduces in elasticity due as collagen degrades with age. This may cause the gum tissue around the tooth to stretch more easily and recede from the teeth.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissue which supports your teeth. People with this disease often have plaque build-up below the gum line, which can lead to localized inflammation.Periodontal disease creates pockets on the gums which causes gum recession on teeth that are still in place, and this puts any remaining teeth at risk because they’re exposed longer when food hits them during mastication (chewing). Also, plaque under gums cause inflammation which in turn damages periodontal fibers and bone support for teeth.

Forceful or incorrect brushing

Forceful or incorrect brushing causes receding gums. In fact, if the toothbrush technique an individual uses with their manual toothbrush is forceful or incorrect, it can cause receding gums. It’s generally believed that improper brushing techniques may be a leading factor in gum recession and also leave your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.It’s important not to brush teeth too hard when performing everyday oral hygiene, and should never use a “hard” bristled brush without rotating between two softer brushes since this can also cause premature wear on the enamel surface and lead to gum recession down time in the future due to weakened tooth structure.

Teeth grinding and clenching

Teeth clenching and grinding causes a lot of horizontal wear on the tooth enamel. Faulty bite alignment can also lead to teeth grinding or clenching from stress. This causes inappropriate chewing that leads to weakened gum tissue and loss of bone in your jaw, which can cause receding gums and tooth sensitivity.Easiest options what do recommend are getting fitted for night guards (front and back) by a dentist who specializes in dental appliances instead of using over-the-counter night guards (which are too thin).

How Is Gum Recession Treated?

In an ideal world, we would never have to worry about this annoying issue. Unfortunately for us the reality is more complicated than that and so here are some options to treat gum recession.

Scaling and root planing

Gum Recession can be treated by using a variety of methods. Such as scaling and root planing. This is where the dentist cleans bacteria from the root surface; because high plaque levels lead to gum recession, removing plaque should reduce your risk of gum recession according to Dental Health Services in Northern Ireland.This process involves inserting an instrument through the scope into the mouth and scraping off some tooth material from between teeth. The goal is to remove or loosen any big pieces of biofilm (hardened plaque) so that you can more easily brush them away with floss or irrigation later in a routine home care program. Then use a dental scaler, which is like a fine-toothed chisel, to scrape away tartar.

Gum Graft Surgery

The gum graft surgery is a procedure performed to attach pieces of healthy tissue from the inside lining of your mouth (gums) onto poorly formed or diseased parts.The process starts by removing unhealthy areas with anesthesia and then taking a piece, about two inches long, out of a healthier area in the same patient’s mouth as an example for what will be transferred over.The bad tissue is then cut away, and the healthy piece of gum is sewn in to cover it up. Patients will have their gums trimmed after about six months so that new growth can come through the newly attached grafts instead of being left too long. Grafting simply means sewing one thing onto another – usually a small section of living flesh taken from one part (called a donor site) and inserted into an opening or wound on another area to help heal it or lessen its pain.A graft may be used as treatment for injuries such as burns covered with skin grafts, or bone defects repaired with bone transplants in orthopaedic surgery.

Pinhole surgical technique

The recent pinhole surgery technique is a minimally-invasive procedure. It’s also known as a gingivectomy or gum recession surgery. Using this technique, the gum recessions are securely anchored down in their new positions and no dental implants are necessary – unlike with other techniques. And what sets it apart from the others is because it uses small incisions, which reduces healing time and limits any discomfort felt by patients postoperatively much more than other surgical approaches would have done. Your dentist will then suture up these incisions for you with nylon sutures and seal them with a thin layer of polyurethane to promote healing under the skin (which will get rid of that familiar scab).

Non-Surgical Treatments for receding gums

The gum line is a good indicator of how your health is. If the gum line deteriorates, it can lead to bad tooth or oral hygiene and even worse Oral Health Issues like Periodontal Disease.Regular home care habits are highly recommended. These include brushing at least twice a day with a natural toothpaste and flossing daily; also preventative measures like diet modification and refraining from chewing on hard objects can help preserve healthy teeth for many years. There are several natural remedies to reverse receding gums. Some of the most important are as under;

Oil Pulling/Oil swishing

Oil pulling is a centuries-old technique in which one takes sesame oil and swishes it around the mouth for ten to fifteen minutes. This will help remove toxins from your teeth and gums, as well as provide relief from pain caused by receding gums.Coconut oil is an effective treatment for receding gums, according to a Harvard study. The research was based on the premise that coconut oil pulling can help prevent cavities and aid in gum health. With frequent use, there was a significant difference in plaque index scores after one-year of follow up when compared with baseline values among participants at the end of year two. Use 30 ml (1 fl oz) of raw virgin coconut oil mixed with 8 oz of water and swish it around your mouth for 20 minutes before spit it out. This is most helpful first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything else to give your oral cavity a deep cleanse and kill some harmful microbes that may be lurking there.

Aloe Vera

The best natural way to maintain your oral health is by using Aloe Vera. It helps reduce inflammation, prevents decay in teeth and gums, can heal toothaches, has antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria within the mouth which leads to plaque buildup on teeth or gum disease as well as foul breath.Aloe Vera can be used to help maintain good oral health by providing natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A plant that has been around for centuries, aloe vera is a great way to keep your teeth healthy with its antimicrobial qualities. Known as the “plant of immortality” in many cultures, this small succulent plant needs little water or attention but will give you an endless supply of benefits if given room indoors. Aloe also contains vitamins A & C which are essential nutrients necessary for keeping gums strong!Aloe vera is an excellent option for those looking for a simple yet effective remedy when it comes down to maintaining their oral health without any side-effects!

Green Tea

Drinking green tea may help to prevent tooth decay and receding gums due to bacterial plaque buildup. The long-term effects of ingesting too much caffeine can be as damaging for your teeth as not brushing them regularly, but drinking a cup or two every day has proven beneficial in preventing cavities from developing on the front surfaces of molars near biting edges where bacteria are most concentrated while eating sugary foods which weaken enamel by providing an acidic environment.Green tea is a great way to take care of your teeth and mouth. It can help receding gums, whiten teeth, prevent cavities; the list goes on! The most recent scientific study has found that green tea may also have some interesting benefits for gum health with studies showing it could reduce inflammation in patients’ mouths by nearly 40%.

Saltwater Rinse

Salt not only helps your teeth and mouth feel clean, but it also kills the harmful bacteria in your mouth. If your gums are receding, a salt water rinse should help. The high concentration of minerals in the sea can help to stimulate gum tissue and reduce inflammation which will bring you closer to finding that perfect smile.Saltwater rinse is useful in reversing the effects of bacteria that cause gingivitis by killing them and reducing their numbers. It does not appear to have any major adverse effects, and is well-tolerated by children and adults. However, salt should be reduced or eliminated from the diet when too much is consumed. It’s also good for fighting cavities because it removes food particles that hang out on your teeth near your gums, causing tooth decay. 

Turmeric Gel

A really cool way to solve the problem of receding gums is by using turmeric gel. Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin which has been found to increase collagen production in your mouth, as well as reduce inflammation and fight bacterial growth within your teeth and gum tissue. Curcumin also works wonders for improving oral health because it’s able to inhibit some bacteria that cause cavities (tooth decay).A moist environment can fuel harmful bacteria like Streptococcus mutans – but not if you’re taking a little extra care with brushing habits! And thanks largely due its anti-inflammatory properties, high content of antioxidants including quercetin, kaempferol and resveratrol; antioxidant activity so powerful that it’s been found to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a natural remedy that reverses receding gums. It contains terpinen-4-ol which kills the bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease, in addition to its antibacterial properties.Tea tree oil has been used as a cure since ancient times due to its antibiotic qualities stemming from terpentin 4 ole, an essential oil found within tea trees that can kill off fungi as well as other types of harmful bacteria like those known for causing tooth decay or periodontal infections when left unchecked by proper oral hygiene practices such as brushing teeth twice daily with fluoride containing toothpaste.The tannins in tea tree oil reduce inflammation, while the essential oils soothe sore gums and help to heal wounds. They also act as an astringent that helps dry up excess saliva on certain occasions such as when one has a cold or allergies.

Here are some facts about Fluoride

Fluoride is a substance that can be found in toothpaste and tap water. Despite its prevalence, there are still many myths about the safety of using fluoride for dental care or as an additive to drinking water. Let’s take a look at some facts you should know before deciding if this treatment is right for your family: Fluoride is a poison which accumulates in the body, just like other toxic substances we are exposed to under normal circumstances. There are about 128 different fluoride compounds including fluorosilicic acid, sodium and calcium fluoride as well as flourine gas – not only it does damage your teeth but you can also be poisoned from it because our bodies simply cannot get rid of the excess once you’ve been taken in.Although many now-recognized adverse effects were seen for teeth, none had been reported for internal organs until relatively recently. Fluoride is associated with lower IQs among children and mixed effects on thyroid hormone levels among both children and adults alike.”The side effects of fluoride are a never-ending mystery, largely because people tend to be more interested in what is happening on the front end and not so much about potential consequences. But some studies have found that higher levels of fluosilicic acid can lead to bone fractures, reduced kidney function due to decreased pH balance between urine and blood cells (which produces ammonia), developmental defects in teeth caused by increased exposure during tooth development stages, fluorosis with changes in dental enamel leading up too high risk for cavities as well as skeletal deformations such as incomplete fusion or delayed eruption of elements from your skull like facial bones.


Hence, It’s Time To Stop Using Chemical-Based Oral Products!

Many of the products that are used for oral care contain harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, many people do not realize this until it is too late. These chemicals can cause a host of health issues and even cancer!Dental Pro 7 uses all natural ingredients to keep your teeth healthy and strong. This product has been tested by dentists across the country and they have given their stamp of approval!If you want to keep your oral health at its best, then it’s time that you try a natural approach. Click here for more detailDental Pro 7 is the answer! This product will help improve your overall dental health while removing plaque, tartar buildup and bad breath from your mouth. It also contains no artificial ingredients or harmful chemicals which make them perfect for those who have sensitive teeth/gums or suffer from allergies.

correct receding gums naturally

Why Dental Pro 7?

Dental Pro 7 contains 7 highly active and 100% natural ingredients that promote oral health. Dental Pro 7 promotes a healthy mouth by protecting against cavities through its strong antimicrobial action to kill germs in the mouth.This improves oral health and protects against cavities. Benefits include less plaque, fewer cavities, fresher breath, whiter teeth. The product is also vegan-friendly.A true ally for all ages–with safe ingredients! It helps you prevent bacteria from attaching or attacking the teeth’s enamel.While Dental Pro 7 is not sold in stores, it can be purchased directly from the manufacturer online. This product has been used by thousands of people and ships to locations all over the world with no hassle or extra charges for shipping!Well, let’s put it this way. If you want good dental health, why not use a product that has been proven to be the best in over 4 dozen clinical studies?

Money Back Guarantee

Have you been looking for a way to reverse receding gums without surgery? Dental Pro 7 is the perfect solution. It offers a 3 month ‘risk free’ money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work for you, we’ll give your money back. You can try this natural product risk-free and see the results in just 30 days!Dental Pro 7 is a revolutionary new treatment to regrow receding gums. Reverse your receding gum lines with this amazing product that has no side effects and is safe to use every day. The ingredients are all natural and have been used by many people around the world with great success!

It’s time to get rid of those ugly teeth gaps once and for all. Don’t wait any longer!

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Correct Receding Gums

Mary Cramer

Mary Cramer, an advocate for dental health, shares expert insights on oral care at DentalPro7. With years of industry experience, she offers practical tips and the latest advancements in dental technology. Join Mary to prioritize your dental wellness and achieve a radiant smile.