Can Gums Grow Back Naturally? Understanding the Possibilities

Growing up, we all heard the phrase "you're only as old as you feel." This is just about how it goes with your gums. If they are shrinking and receding, then it means that you're feeling older than what you really are. Gums not only affect the health of your teeth but also the appearance of them. In this article, we'll discuss what causes and symptoms of receding gums, what natural remedies there are for a receding gum problem, and best natural treatment for a receding gum problem.

Receding Gums Causes

What causes receding gums?

The most common symptom is that they feel like they're shrinking and receding. You might notice your teeth have increased spacing between them, which can lead to more plaque buildup on your teeth, making it easier for you to get cavities.

Other signs include: swollen gum tissues; irritated skin around the mouth; pain from chewing or biting hard foods due to sensitive tissue near root surfaces, tears in sensitive tissue membranes under loose gums.

Pain in your mouth when eating certain foods (especially hard ones), redness around the tooth line, feeling like there's something stuck between two teeth but after checking with dental instruments you find nothing there. This could mean that one of your teeth has started moving outwards because its ligaments were cut by clenching on jaw muscles due to stress from clenched jaws; loss of bone density which means less protection for the teeth.

The good news is there's a way out! We'll discuss what natural remedies there are for this problem below...but first we want to cover the best treatment option for a receded gum issue with our readers who may be interested in non-invasive treatments.

Signs of Receding gums

What are the symptoms of receding gums?

The most common symptom is that they feel like they're shrinking and receding. You might notice your teeth have increased spacing between them, which can lead to more plaque buildup on your teeth, making it easier for you to get cavities.

Other signs include: swollen gum tissues; irritated skin around the mouth; pain from chewing or biting hard foods due to sensitive tissue near root surfaces, tears in sensitive tissue membranes under loose gums.

Pain in your mouth when eating certain foods (especially hard ones), redness around the tooth line, feeling like there's something stuck between two teeth but after checking with dental instruments you find nothing there. This could mean that one of your teeth has started moving outwards because its ligaments were cut by clenching on jaw muscles due to stress from clenched jaws; loss of bone density which means less protection for the teeth.

The good news is there's a way out! We'll discuss what natural remedies there are for this problem below...but first we want to cover the best treatment option for a receded gum issue with our readers who may be interested in non-invasive treatments.

How To Help Receding Gums Grow Back?

Taking appropriate preventive care of our teeth and gums helps to keep our mouths healthy. However, if you do get gum disease, your dentist can provide you with a variety of treatment options to help you regain your healthy gums. Every treatment has the same goal like to remove plaque, limit bacterial activity, and protect the teeth from further damage.

Scaling and root planing

Did you know that tooth and gum health is a critical factor in how healthy every other part of your body can be? Most people think it's just our teeth but there are many bacteria living on the surface of all areas inside the mouth.

One of the most effective treatments for removing plaque and bacteria on your teeth has to be scaling and root planing. Scaling removes plaque buildup from below the gums to prevent cavities, while root planing reduces inflammation and sensitivity by smoothing exposed roots underneath receding tissue so they will no longer irritate adjacent tissues or trigger pain receptors located along those surfaces. These two procedures work together synergistically.

Gum Graft Surgery

Gum graft surgery to treat receding gums is truly a special procedure. It may be done with local anesthesia, and the patient can return home within hours of their treatment!

Gum grafts are an attractive option for patients who have lost significant amounts of gum tissue due to chronic disease processes such as periodontitis or compromised dental hygiene practices like teeth grinding at night. These procedures typically take less than two hours under general anaesthesia in order to allow enough time for healing before resuming normal activities including work commitments, social engagements etcetera.

Periodontal Surgery

This is a surgical procedure in which tissue (gums) are surgically removed from above or below the tooth with an incision near a natural opening where food leaves the mouth into either side of the jawbone called sinus cavity or maxillary bone structure. It's used to treat not only receding gums but also other health problems like periodontitis or deep pockets between teeth caused by years of poor dental hygiene and the teeth grinding at night.

Slowing the Process of receding gums

Practice good oral hygiene

There are a number of ways to slow the process of receding gums, but one common option is brushing teeth twice daily with a soft bristled or electric toothbrush. The bristles should be angled at 45 degrees and toothpaste should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate or triclosan as they can irritate oral tissues. Flossing regularly also helps keep gum tissue healthy by removing food particles that buildup between your teeth!

Correct Brushing technique

The following brushing technique is recommended by the American Dental Association. Brushes should be cleaned before and after each use to avoid spreading tooth decay-causing bacteria from the brush to the mouth.

First, use some gentle gum stimulation with your finger to make sure there's enough room in between other teeth for brushing. The correct brushing technique is to brush the outer surfaces of your teeth slowly and gently for at least one minute. Your toothbrush should cover the exterior tooth surfaces, which means not just brushing the front but also those on the sides, top and bottom while rotating your brush head as you go. Remember that with a manual brush you must use gentle back-and-forth strokes to stimulate gum tissue. With an electric toothbrush, follow a circular pattern in order to replicate this stroke motion.

Good Diet

You might be surprised to find out that if you want your gums to stop receding, there are a number of things you can do. Diet is one thing, as well as making sure the teeth don't meet too harshly when biting together.

It's not all bad news in regards to gum recession! You have options and it turns out dieting has been proven time and time again by dentists alike - limiting sugar intake helps tremendously with this condition. Chewing on something like celery or carrots will also help soothe sore spots while simultaneously stimulating new cells for growth within those areas which may otherwise lead to tooth loss due to attrition over years from grinding hard foods repeatedly without reprieve such as dental floss daily use/brushing twice.

Wear a mouthguard

The best natural treatment for receding gums is a mouthguard at night preventing teeth grinds. The most well-known of these is mouthguards for athletes, designed to protect teeth from concussions. But so called "gum guards" can be used by anyone who falls asleep with their mouth open. They fully cover the front teeth and are excellent at keeping food particles and bacteria out of the spaces in between your teeth.

Replace ill fitting dentures

It is advised to replace dentures that are loose or ill fitting as these may cause the jaw muscles to be overworked, which can lead to receding gums. Ill-fitting dentures also should not be used as they may slip around in the mouth during eating and talking, with potential choking hazard being a concern.

Regular dental visit

Regular dental visits to the dentist are an important measure in preventing receding gums. The dentist will recommend a teeth cleaning and plaque and tartar removal, as well as gum care products like mouthwash or chewing gum that contain xylitol (which prevents bacteria from building up on your teeth). In most severe cases, your dentist may recommend surgery.

Dental appliances

A wide range of dental appliances can be used for people with receding gums to maintain their beautiful smile. These include braces called "retainers" which hold the position and size of upper front teeth so they don't move back into place, fixed bridges where missing gaps between two rows of crowns are replaced by another bridge attached permanently over them.

Natural Remedies for receding gums

Did you know that there are many natural home remedies for receding gums? Many people don't realize it's possible to treat their receded gums with some ingredients found in most kitchens. Some of the most popular are include:


Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Indian remedy that many people swear by. It involves dipping a finger into coconut, sesame or sunflower oil and swishing it around the mouth for 20 minutes before spitting it out. The idea behind it is that massaging the oily mouth sense receptors gives those receptors stimulation to heal and restore themselves. In particular, the oil sensitizes these receptors and stimulates the immune system, preventing plaque and tartar build up which leads to receding gums.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural fruit that grows in the Levant and has been used for centuries as an oral aid. It is a good idea to use succulent plants for superficial issues, such as receding gums. The gel inside of Aloe vera, known as aloin, contains enzymes that help with wound healing which leads to stronger gums.

Gums are made of alloys that contain many minerals. The aloe vera plant is known for its ability to heal and regenerate the tissues and cells in the body through various biological mechanisms by providing thousands of bioactives that help treat wounds, burns, sunburns (among other things). Since the mouth is also an organ with specific tissue chemistry, it can be concluded that aloe vera would help heal receding gums through similar mechanisms.


Green Tea

Green tea is a natural remedy that can be used to heal and regenerate the tissues of the mouth. When used as a rinse, it has been shown to increase tooth retention in areas where teeth have receded due to gum recession. In conjunction with other treatments for gums receding this may serve as an effective alternative way of treating symptoms without having flap surgery or resorting to prescription medications."


Turmeric Gel 

Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a natural herb that has been studied to be effective in the treatment for gums receding. One study showed participants using turmeric gel daily for six months experienced significant improvement in gum recession and mucosal vascularization.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in gum health. Dental College of Georgia has published that patients with high levels of omega-3's had twice the reduction in gum disease than those who did not have enough omega-3s! Make sure you're getting sufficient pregnant women (lactating) or non-pregnant women (non lactating) and omega 3's to keep your gums healthy!


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide has been a mainstay in dental care for ages due its ability to clean teeth by dissolving organic stains from food particles on your pearly whites while also preventing plaque buildup with regular use.

Mixing hydrogen peroxide with baking soda can be effective at reducing bacteria on the gum line. The mixture should be brushed onto teeth and left in place until bubbles form (about one minute). This will sting but is great to do while brushing your teeth. 


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is a popular essential oil used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Tea Tree Essential Oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties most useful for skin care. Tea tree oil can be effective at reducing bacteria on the gum line. The mixture should be brushed onto teeth and left in place until bubbles form (about one minute). This will sting but is great to do while brushing your teeth.


Blend of Organic Herbs 

Many people find that they need something a little stronger than hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil to clean their gums so there are many different recipes available! These include herbs such as sage, cayenne pepper powder, cinnamon sticks, clove buds, ginger root slices and thyme sprigs for an awesome blend. Mix these together into a paste-like substance and brush it onto your teeth with water before rinsing thoroughly with water. Do this twice a day for several minutes each time.

Dental Pro 7 Natural Treatment for Receding Gums

Receding gums is a common problem that can lead to tooth loss and other health complications. Most people don't realize they have receding gums until it's too late, but there are ways to prevent the worst from happening.

Dental Pro 7 is the best natural treatment that may give you back your smile, without even having to go under anesthesia for surgery or tooth removal!

Dental Pro 7 GUM Treatment is an at home dental treatment for receding gums that can be used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing. It contains all-natural ingredients including Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil and more! The advanced formula of this product helps reduce inflammation while also getting rid of bad breath causing bacteria. This means your mouth will feel fresh all day long!

The benefits of this natural cure are many! This formula reduces inflammation and bad breath while also helping to get rid of bacteria that causes it. Dental Pro 7 is a 100% natural home remedy without any side effects. Check out the Dental Pro 7 reviews to learn more about its effectiveness.


Can you repair receding gums?

Can you fix receding gums at home?

Do gums grow back after deep cleaning?

The bottom line

As we’ve discussed, dental health is important and should be taken seriously. It can seem like a never-ending battle against gum disease and receding gum lines. But don't worry!

There are many treatments for receding gums that you can try to stop the progression of your condition before it gets worse. Gums receding can be a major problem and lead to tooth loss, but there are natural remedies that you can use in the comfort of your own home - like Dental Pro7! By incorporating Dental Pro 7 professional strength dental solution into your oral care routine, you can potentially support the natural regrowth of receding gums.

Regrow Receding Gums
Mary Cramer

Mary Cramer, an advocate for dental health, shares expert insights on oral care at DentalPro7. With years of industry experience, she offers practical tips and the latest advancements in dental technology. Join Mary to prioritize your dental wellness and achieve a radiant smile.