How to Fix Receding Gums Without Cosmetic Dentistry?
Whenever we talk about oral health, generally our focus is teeth. In this article, we have decided to put something else to the spotlight - The gum line. For those who have never really thought about it, gums are made of soft tissue that is covered by a layer of the oral mucosa.
Even though they don't get a lot of attention, the gums play an integral part in keeping your mouth nice and healthy. The mucous membrane helps protect against bad bacteria and can cause horrible issues like gum recession.
If you're one of those people who think that the dentists telling you to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day, it is more of a recommendation than a strict guideline, your smile could be in danger of falling into the dangerous territory of gum recession.

What Is Gum Recession?
If not properly taken care of, your gums could recede. This makes your teeth look a bit longer and ugly like spikes. In addition to aesthetic issues, your dental health will be compromised due to exposed gum roots due to receding gums.
This will make it much easier for bacteria to get inside, cause infection and as a result inflict tooth loss. Some other signs and symptoms of receding gums are tooth sensitivity, sore and bleeding gums.
What Can Cause A Gingival Recession?
Dr Bakuri Describes Gingival Recession, Gingival Recession is the exposure of tooth roots due to the shrinking of gum tissues.
Gum Recession Is Most Commonly Caused By:
Good news is, the gum loss is reversible with natural treatment- You can get your smile back and put an end to sensitivity. First Of All, Let Check What Is The Root Cause Of Receding Gums.
The Growth Of Harmful Bacteria Due To Poor Dental Hygiene
Before we can repair or reverse receding gums, we need to fight a battle against them.
The harmful bacteria begin to eat away the soft gum tissue that connects firmly with the teeth bone.
In short, the Gum related problems are because of harmful bacteria which is the most common reason behind the gum recession. And gum recession that is because of some gum disease can easily be treated by using the remedy provided in this article.

“Remember that the bad bacteria produce a lot of gum problems and other health issue, and according to the ADHC, these bacteria are a life-threat.”
All of us brush two times daily; yet 83 per cent of United States residents have gum problems. This means is we need to adjust the Way we think about Toothpaste.
To win against this bacterial on assault that are leading to gum diseases, you have to take these two necessary steps.

Generally, majority of people believe that all these shiny store-bought oral product will fix gum disease. But you've ever taken time read the warnings printed on your favorite Toothpaste.
The Warnings

If ingested in huge amounts, contact the Poison Control Centre immediately.
Will you allow yourself to put a Thing like this Which Has a Warning from American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC)?
Here Are Some Facts About Fluoride

Fluoride has been banned in various countries like Germany, Austria, France and China. It's also unconfirmed yet whether it helps in preventing of cavities.
Fluoride can severely harm the connective gum tissues; this implies that it can detach the gums from your teeth bone – It will literally finish the chances of natural gum regrowth, Fluoride can cause the brain malocclusions, infertility, early aging, bone cancer, tumour growth and a lot more. Other active ingredients in Store brand toothpaste are triclosan and sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
Why Store Brand Toothpaste And Oral Rinse Is Not Good For You?
Alcohol-Based Oral Mouthwash Eliminates Bacteria, but it also can cause dry mouth, which speeds up the bacteria growth.
This is precisely the contrary we need. Saliva is needed to fight the war against harmful bacteria; therefore commercial oral products are absolutely counterproductive.

Use DENTAL PRO 7; it will kill the bad bacteria throughout the day, everyday. The ingredients have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It's made from herbs and plant extract having natural healing properties to start the gum regrowth process as soon as you start using it. There isn't anything like DENTAL PRO 7 available in the market - it is highly effective, natural, fast, and free from side effects also brings a refreshing feeling in your mouth.
Time to put a Stop to Using Chemical-laden Oral solutions
Why Do Dentists Recommend Dental Pro 7?
The Dentists all over the world suggest Dental Pro 7 , and it's love by the users due to fast and amazing result. This liquid miracle is an excellent decoction of natural and herbal extracted blended to reverse receding gums. Upon using DENTAL PRO 7 regularly, the natural ingredients begin to kill the germs that can harm to the gums.
Gums Recede And Recession Natural Remedies
DENTAL PRO 7 gives a two in one solution; Gum disease receding gum treatment and a breath freshener.
DENTAL PRO 7 eliminates the twenty-two strains of harmful bacteria that are responsible for 99% of gum problems.
Dental Pro 7 Benefits;
'Lipid' Based Formulation;

This means it can quickly sink deep in the nook and crannies of gums and not very easily be washed away. The Lipid based formulation provides advance protection to the gums and teeth against germs and bad breath.
Extra Strength Thick/dense solution (700% Thicker than ordinary tooth paste) The Ingredients are special and unique, natural formulation that has been proved in various scientific studies to have effective antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
These ingredients, blended with natural vitamins and antioxidants makes it something which lives up to its expectation.
Easy To Use

It will take only two minutes. Drop 1-2 drops on your brush and Brush for two minutes as you do every day with regular Toothpaste and say goodbye gum recession.
Saves You Thousands Of Dollars On Useless Gum Procedures

DENTAL PRO 7 can literally save you a tons of money annually being spent on useless surgical gum procedures.
Backed By Many Scientific Studies

The herbal extract in DENTAL PRO 7 is scientifically verified to have anti-bacterial properties. It also has the power clear away specific pathogenic agents that create tooth decay and bad breath.
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***Scientific Studies And References ***
(1) Department of Microbiology, Tokyo dental college: takarada k, kimizuka r, Takahashi n, Honma k, Okuda k, Kato t. A comparison of the antibacterial efficacies of essential oils against harmful pathogens. Japan. Oral Microbiol Oral microbial Imm2004unol. 2004 Feb; 19(1): 61-4
(2) The University of Zurich, Switzerland. "oral Microbiol Immunol"... Shapiro s, Meier a, Guggenheim b. The antimicrobial activity of essential oils and essential oil components towards oral organisms. 1994 Aug; 9(4): 202-8}
(3.) Viana gs. J Cordeiro ln, Punica granatum from herb pharmacothermenezes sm (pomegranate) draw out is active against oral plaque.. 2006; 6(2): 76-92
(4) J A preliminary study. Int Acad Periodontol: sastravaha g, yotnuengnit p, bouncing p, sangtherapitikul p. Adjunctive periodontal treatment with Centella Asiatica and Punica granatum components. 2003 oct; 5(4): 106-15.
(5) J Punica granatum ingredients in supportive gum therapy some research study by int acad periodontal: sangtherapitikul p, Gassmann g, sastravaha g, grim wd. an adjunctive periodontal treatment with Centella Asiatica and so. 2005
6)J Ethnopharmacol: Varani J, Lansky EP, Aslam MN. Pomegranate extract as a cosmeceutical source: pomegranate extract fractions boost growth and procollagen synthesis and prevent matrix metalloproteinase-1 production throughout human tissue cells. Ethnopharmacol: Lansky EP, Aslam MN, Varani J.: J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 February 20; 103(3): 311-8. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 February 20; 103(3): 311-8.
(7) University of Texas medical: Loesche, Walter j. microbiology of tooth decay and gum disease, medical microbiology. Fourth edition, section 99; The early nineties. Dept at Galveston
(8) "sodium dodecyl sulphate and triclosan have negative effects research study by Babich h and Babich jp. in vitro cytotoxicity scientific studies with gingival tissues" (May 16, 1997) 91(3): 189-196
(9) helichrysum italicum, j Ethnopharmacol: from conventional apply to scientific data. 2014; 151(1): 54-65. epub The year 2013 Nov14
(10) Sci Rep. myrrh and Frankincense: Irritation via regulation by myrrh and Sci Rep. Frankincense, via regulation of the metabolic profiling and the MAPK signalling pathway 2015 September 2; 5: 13668. DOI: Ten. 1038/srep13668
(11) Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25, 13-19: Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruiz Navajas, Elena Sánchez Zapata, Juana Fernández-López y José A. Pérez-Álvarez. "Antioxidant activity of essential oils of five spice plants widely used in a Mediterranean diet". enero "Antioxidant activity of important oils of five spice plants widely used on a Mediterranean diet". Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25, 13-19 - Feb 2010.: Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruiz Navajas, Elena Sánchez Zapata, Juana Fernández-López y José A. Pérez-Álvarez

Gum recession is related to the loss of gum tissue. Ultimately it leads to exposure in the roots of the teeth. Normally this happens at the age of 40, but in some cases, it may start from the teens also. In this post you will find natural remedy for receding gums.
Oral plaque is a natural by-product of the combination of saliva and food. It isn’t actually the problem; the problems are caused by the harmful bacteria that thrive on the plaque. When oral plaque is allowed to stick to the teeth for a long time, this bacteria releases a substance that’s harmful to your gum tissue. To prevent the symptoms of gum disease, all you need do is floss and brush regularly, at least twice daily.
Home Remedies To Stop Receding Gums
The primary reason behind the gum recession is brushing aggressively because of which the enamel at the gum line is worn out. Inadequate brushing or flossing is also one of its main causes that encourage the harmful bacteria to build up between the teeth. The other factors are sensitivity to sodium lauryl sulfate, periodontal disease, eating disorders, dipping tobacco, and grinding of the teeth.
A Few Of The Symptoms Of The Receding Gum
1.Teeth cavities are seen below the gumline
2.Progressively the space between the teeth seem to expand
3.At the gumline, the tooth feels notched
4.Roots of the tooth are exposed and uncovered
5.Teeth become sensitive to sweet, sour, spicy, hot, cold foods
6. Tooth seems longer than normal
If The Condition Is Due To Gingivitis Then Following Signs And Symptoms May Be Seen
2.While flossing or brushing bleeding from the gum
3. Swelling in the gums and it seems red and puffy
It’s essential to save our natural teeth. Due to the gum recession, the teeth may decay much faster. By growing age, it’s a natural tendency of the gums to recede. So it’s necessary to take action to save your teeth naturally.
Gum Recession Health Care With Tea Tree Oil
Receding gums can be a threat to your mouth. When the gums pull away from their normal level, they move downwards and expose the root of the tooth. The root of the tooth is produced from what is called cementum, and this cementum is softer and prone to being decayed. Fix receding gums: This cementum doesn’t replenish itself, so when it disappears, it goes permanently. The problem with cementum exposure is a higher risk of building oral cavities on the exposed root, the sensitivity of the teeth to sweets/hot/cold because the stimulus is converted directly to the pulp inside the tooth and possible wearing away of the cemental surface ( abfractions and abrasion ). Simply put, the cementum shouldn’t be exposed.
Develop a habit to floss daily with a product known as “stim-u-dent.” You can find this product from the local drugstore. Rubbing your gums with this product is also effective. Choose a soft bristle toothbrush and wash your mouth with an oral product that will help you to get rid of plaque. Go for natural toothpaste and avoid the pastes which are packed with chemicals. You can also use “Waterpik,” which is filled with water and a full cap of antiseptic mouth rinse.
Intake of minerals and vitamins are necessary as it lowers the inflammation and pain. Make a habit of taking vitamin C and its supplements as it is famous for stopping gum disease and for curing. It also retards the problem of oral plaque. Repair gums recede medically reviewed natural remedies Other vitamins also promote the condition of gum like A, E, and also folic acid.
Fix Receding Gums Without Surgery
Stay away from the use of coffee, sugar, antibiotics, and alcoholic beverages. Develop a habit of taking plenty of vegetables and fruit. Many herbs are also useful for the treatment of gum recession.
Gums can be pulled back or wear away and uncover the pink tissue that covers the roots of the teeth. Gums may also recede around a tooth if it’s in an unusual position. Gum recession becomes a health problem when the roots of the teeth become uncovered, leaving the teeth in danger of infection, decay, and loss.
If folks start treatment at an initial stage, they can stop or reverse the process of receding gum. If the gum recession is severe and causing problems, such as infection, pain, or tooth sensitivity, then several treatments are available. These include tissue grafts, medicating infections, and deep cleaning. Gum recession is a common problem, but folks often don’t realize their gums are receding unless a late stage in the process.
What Are The Gums?
The gingivae or gums are composed of pink tissue in the mouth that fits the bottom of the teeth. There is one gum for each set of teeth. The gingival tissue is thick. It has a good supply of blood vessels under a wet surface, also known as a mucous membrane. The gum tissue is strongly attached to the jawbone and firmly covers each tooth up to the neck. When intact, the gums protect the roots of the teeth and cover them.
Gum recession occurs when a person has suffered a loss of gum tissue. It exposes the fragile roots of the teeth to harmful bacteria and oral plaque and can lead to tooth decay.
Fix Receding Gum Line Naturally
Intense tooth brushing is considered to be another reason for gum recession. So is poor oral care. Insufficient or inappropriate oral care makes it easy for oral plaque to build up into tartar, and cause receding gum. Clenching or grinding of the teeth can also cause gum recession due to the extra pressure exerted on the teeth. Uneven teeth and a resultant misaligned bite are also considered as causes for gum recession. The use of cigarettes and tobacco
products is yet another cause for gum recession. So are tongue or lip piercings. This jewelry is believed to rub against the gums, resulting in severe irritation and result in the wearing away of gums.
Fix Receding Gums Naturally
Turmeric Gel
Turmeric includes curcumin, which is famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. According to a 2014 research, turmeric gel could prevent oral plaque and gum disease – which can contribute to gum recession.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
A 2015 post in the European Journal of Dentistry determined that tea tree oil can be good at stopping the development of disease-causing harmful bacteria in the mouth. Talk to your dentist about using natural home remedies and traditional treatment to help prevent or slow down the process.
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