How To Treat Swollen Gums Naturally At Home?
Gums that are swollen are quite common, so you shouldn't be too concerned if you have them. Nonetheless, you should not ignore them. You may be wondering, What can I do at home to help relieve my gum pain and swollen gums?" This is a great question! Read on for 11 easy remedies for swollen gums treatment that you can try.
Home Remedies For Swollen Gums
Apply one of these natural home treatments to help relieve your aching gums:
A saltwater treatment, according to a 2016 research, relieves gum inflammation and promotes healing.

In a bowl, combine one tablespoon of salt and eight ounces of lukewarm warm water. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with this solution. Do not swallow it; spit it out. This should be done twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Compresses (Warm & Cold)
Warm and cold compresses can help to relieve pain and reduce the size of swollen and red gums.
Take a clean cloth or washcloth and soak it in warm water. Squeeze out any extra moisture after soaking it in warm water. For about five minutes, place the hot cloth outside your mouth rather than directly on your gums.
Turmeric gel
Turmeric gel is a turmeric-infused yellow liquid. Curcumin, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Turmeric gel can help prevent plaque and gingivitis, according to a 2015 research. Apply turmeric gel to your gums for therapeutic benefits.

Hydrogen peroxide
3% hydrogen peroxide should only be used to rinse your teeth with red, hot, or painful gums. Rinse your teeth with a solution of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and water. Only use 3% hydrogen Peroxide for this therapy.
Essential oils
A 2013 study published by the European Journal of Dentistry found that peppermint, tea-tree, and thyme essential oil successfully inhibited pathogenic bacteria. Directions: Add 3 drops of each thyme and peppermint essential oils to 8 ounces of warm water. Allow the solution to sit for 30 seconds before you rinse your mouth.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil can help soothe gums. Take mouthwash and water, and tea tree oil before drinking. Give your child one bottle once a week.
Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass oil, renowned for its astringent property, can keep away bacterial bacteria from the dental cavity and helps to prevent tooth loss and gum disease. While it has inhibited the bacteria causing gum disease, the enzyme also prevents plaque formation, improving your teeth health and repairing your gum. The toothpaste maintains your mouth and strengthens your gums.

The human body needs minerals and vitamins to be healthy. If you can't eat well enough or have a condition associated with age-related absorption, you can't have the necessary quantities or nutritional requirements.
When your gums look swollen, you'll start to lose more of them. If you're low in vitamin D and vitamin K, it'll be harder to keep your mouth healthy.
Take a new tea bag and steep it for up to 5 minutes in boiling water, just like you would for tea. Apply the teabag immediately to aching gums for at least five minutes once it has cooled down enough to touch.
Green tea, black tea, or even hibiscus tea are all high in astringent tannins. Choose an anti-inflammatory herbal tea, such as ginger or chamomile.
The anti-inflammatory herbs will calm your gums, while the tannins will absorb any irritants. Green, black, hibiscus, ginger, or chamomile tea is now available in our online store.

Another effective natural remedy for swollen gums is ginger. It also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that can help to reduce gum swelling. Take a tiny piece of ginger and mince it. To create a gritty paste, add the salt after the ginger is in paste form. Apply the paste to your teeth.
Rinse your mouth with normal water afterwards. You may also use oils from tea tree, peppermint, and chamomile in addition to these. It can also help with irritated gums. Tea tree oil and Peppermint oils have strong antimicrobial properties, while chamomile oil helps relieve redness and reduce gum swelling.
Aloe vera
A 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry found that aloe vera oral wash, which is similar to chlorhexidine, is just as effective in treating and prevention of gingivitis. For two seconds, swirl 2 teaspoons aloe vera mouthwash in your mouth. It's time to spit it out.

Swollen gums can be quite common. There are many things you can do at your home to reduce swelling and discomfort. Consult your dentist if your gums become swollen more than a week. They can help you determine the source of swelling and devise a treatment plan.
Home care for gum swelling
These home care steps can be used if your gums become reddish or swollen.
Most importantly, do not ignore your swollen gums around tooth. Try home care remedies, but if they are ineffective, see your dentist to ensure the swelling isn’t a symptom of something more serious.
What caused my gums to swell?
Gingivitis (inflamed gums), infection (virus or fungus), pregnancy, malnutrition, poorly fitting dentures or dental appliances, sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash, food particles lodged between teeth and gum tissue, and pharmaceutical side effects are all causes of gum disease.

The ideal approach to figure out the source of your painful receding gums is to consult with a dentist so that they may provide an accurate and thorough diagnosis.
You may do a few things to reduce the swelling, such as practice good oral care, saltwater rinses, and meal modifications. If the swelling continues for more than a week, see your dentist as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
How can I get rid of swollen gums?
Soothe your gums by gently brushing and flossing to avoid irritation. Use the saltwater solution to rinse your mouth destroy germs. Increase the amount of water you drink. Place a warm compress on your face to relieve gum discomfort.
How long does it take for inflamed gums to heal?
Gingivitis generally goes away in ten to fourteen days. In case your gingivitis is more severe, it may take longer to cure. Take charge of your dental health and prevent future problems by taking care of it now.
Can salt water rinse heal gum infection?
You can also assist your gums in healing by using a saltwater rinse. Dissolve half to one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. This solution helps to soothe inflamed gum tissue while also aiding the removal of infection, allowing your gums to heal.
How to heal swollen gums naturally?
➢ Ice: Put an ice pack or cold compress over the area of your mouth where your gum is swollen and apply pressure. Doing so will reduce swelling and numb the pain.
➢ Gargling: Gargle with salt water as often as you can throughout the day. The solution has anti-inflammatory properties that will help relieve any discomfort caused by inflammation in your mouth.