Can Early Gum Recession Be Reversed?
Gum recession can be a painful condition that many people don't know they have until it's too late. This blog post will discuss seven ways to prevent and stop gum early recession.
Gum recession is an incredibly serious condition because it can lead to infection, tooth decay and tooth loss, among other issues. These oral health issues often require patients to undergo costly procedures like gum graft or gum surgery if left untreated. But the good news is, it's reversible.
Gum disease
The 1st stage of gum recession is gingivitis, where there may be redness and swelling in the tissues but no signs of infection. As gingivitis worsens, it can progress to periodontitis, a gum disease that affects the bone and soft tissue around the teeth.
If you have mild gingivitis, proper dental care habits will clear up your mouth fast! But if you have periodontitis, professional dental treatment from a dentist will be required.
No matter what, it's medical advice to schedule an appointment with your dentist and see if you need treatment or surgery. Treatments can range from a complete professional cleaning to surgery, depending on the severity of your condition.
Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue around the tooth begins to pull back or wear away. This exposes more of the root or tooth. Gum recession is when there are "pockets" or gaps between the teeth, gum line and teeth. This allows for disease-causing bacteria to grow easily.

Periodontal disease
Receding gums occurs when your gums begin to pull back from the tooth surfaces, exposing your roots. It is one form of gum disease called "periodontal" disease. This is a serious side effect of poor oral health that can lead to tooth decay.
There are several options depending on the extent of the tissue loss. Periodontal disease is caused by conditions like diabetes or cancer.
Symptoms of receding gums
These are the signs and symptoms that indicate receding gums;
Reversing gum disease can be possible in the early stages
7 Ways to Prevent Gum early Recession
The earlier you start to diagnose and treat, the better the outcome you get. There are seven ways to reverse gum disease and avoid costly professional treatments. Brushing your teeth gently, getting orthodontics, visiting your dentist - these are just some of the ways to keep your gums healthy.
➢ Brush your teeth gently
Some individuals think the harder they brush their teeth, the better job they are doing. Make sure you are brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day to prevent gum recession. You should use an electric toothbrush instead of a manual one since it can get rid of plaque easier. Also, floss after every meal. Harmful Bacteria feed on the food stuck in your teeth, and by flossing, you can remove their food source. you should use an interdental brush or a soft-pick.

➢ Get help with teeth grinding
Teeth grinding or gritting occurs during sleep. This is called sleep-related (or nocturnal) bruxism. You may be grinding your pearly whites or clenching your jaw without being aware while you’re awake, called awake bruxism.
In case you grind your teeth, there are things that you can use to stop it. Some natural remedies may work better than others, depending on the underlying cause of your teeth grinding and symptoms. Your dentist or dental physician can help you find your best solution to end bruxism.
➢ Get Orthodontics
The branch of dentistry that deals with abnormalities in teeth and jaw is known as orthodontics. People who receive orthodontic care are typically children, but adults can benefit from it as well. In adults, orthodontic treatment may guide proper jaw growth. This can help permanent teeth to grow properly. In adults, orthodontic treatment may be done to improve the health of teeth and gums.
➢ Avoid mouth piercings
Tongue piercings or lip piercing: lip and tongue piercing jewelry can continuously rub against oral tissues, like your gums. This can not only cause chipped or cracked teeth, damaging tooth roots and lead to receding gums.

➢ Good oral hygiene
Good Oral hygiene is an important part of your daily routine, and flossing is to remove plaque from teeth so it doesn’t build up on the surfaces where gum pockets are most likely to form, which can lead to a variety of inflammatory responses in the gums and eventually tooth. Always remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss every other day.
Flossing is essential for removing the plaque that builds up on tooth surfaces in between teeth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), flossing one time per day is an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums, helping remove debris between the teeth that can contribute to plaque buildup.
➢ Take healthy diet
A healthy and balanced diet is very important for good oral health. Foods that contribute to overall poor health will do the same for oral health. So they should be avoided. Taking care of the body, in general, will help you to avoid the terrible effects that periodontal disease can have. People can make the involvement of healthy foods in their diet which will also improve oral health and, more importantly, assist the body in reducing the gum pockets.
Like leafy vegetables, lean fats like fish, fruits, and nuts help provide your teeth and gums the nutrients they require to be healthy. Try to eat anti-inflammatory foods like fish. It is because gum pockets are caused due to inflammation. That's why such things will help in reducing it.

➢ Visit your dentist
Gingivitis takes place when your gums become inflamed, and you may have an infection as well. Gum recession is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on your pearly whites, leading to bacteria that thrive on your tooth and gums.
Visiting your dentist two times a year is an essential thing to stop early gum recession. Your dentist or dental physician is the only one who can diagnose the problem and can suggest the best treatment option.

➢ Stop using tobacco
Tobacco usage is very harmful for gums and teeth because it makes them inflamed, red , swollen and also causes them to recede more. Many dentists ask to avoid use of tobacco so that people can heal their gums and make teeth stronger.
Use natural home remedies
You can also use natural home remedies to treat early gum recession. The remedies mentioned below are the most effective natural home remedies with organic ingredients. People have been using these types of natural ingredients for years.
In case if early gum recession is left untreated it can cause more severe issues like tooth decay and can cost you a lot . Your dentist will recommend a proper treatment like scaling or root planning and gum grafting to stop the problem.
Scaling and root planing
Root planing and scaling is a restorative dental procedure involving removing plaque and calculus (tartar) stuck above and below the gum line. The procedure is necessary after gums around teeth become infected with periodontal disease. Your dentist may recommend this procedure (root planing), and it can cause a lot of cost and pain.